Bitting Consultation Starting Steps
Meeting You &
Your Horse
We will both (Ian & owner) look at the horse and its conformation to identify if there is anything that may affect the bitting - the bridles and saddle may need to be checked and any adjustments or advice offered.
We will then discuss the horses and riders training and the horse bitting history and Ian will ask the owner/rider to mount the horse and ride it in the bit it is normally in - making changes to bits maybe once or twice to see if enough difference can be achieved to merit a change of bit.
You Must Do Your
Own Homework
Ian will not let the owner purchase a bit unless it is agreed with all that the bit change has had a positive result during the consultation.
Like with all changes, whether human or equine, it is the owner/riders responsibility to ride the horse for at least five easy sessions firstly in the bit and then to ride for at least 20+ rides to make sure the horse to responding well to the bit.
What Does It Cost?
& How To Pay
I charge £65 per Horse and it takes between 45 minutes to an hour per horse to do for a snaffle and longer if we are doing double bits.
This fee is non refundable as you are paying for my time and I have probably also travelled between an hour and four hours to get to you.
The purchase price for the bits are not discounted from the consultation fee.
I can take Cash, Cards or BACS payments on the day, I am unable to allow bits to go with you without payment for them.
Making the Most from Your Consultation
Have your horse clean and ready for your consultation
Bring any bridlework and bits that you use on a regular basis so we can discuss what you use and when
Please bring your Horse to the school with its saddle and headcollar on and carry your bridle so we can discuss and look at your horse thoroughly. If however your horse is liable not to react well to coming into a possibly strange school in its headcollar by all means come fully tacked up and you can do some calming and settling work before we start to discuss your reason for asking for help
Please make sure your Bridle is clean and supple as this can make changing the bit or adjusting the bridle so much easier
If your horse is a ridden horse then a rider will be required for the ridden portion of the consultation and they are required to wear an approved riding hat and safe footwear
A school and or a safe area will be required for the consultation.
Please remember that I am not responsible for your horses behaviour on the day and although I try my best to help you I may ask you not to carry on with the consultation if I feel that you or your horse or myself are at risk
When riding in a new bit for the first time it takes patience and careful riding to allow your horse to get used to a new bit
Why not organise a group of you to attend a venue/yard for bitting consultations. I will then also put the word out on social media if needed and support the clinic - do use the contact sheet to discuss further